Building the Capacity of Teachers and Students of Nefes School of Arts & Music


Project “Building the Capacity of Teachers and Students of Nefes School of Arts & Music”:

This project aimed to build the capacities of students and teachers at the School of Music to meet basic needs in the design and implementation of the School of Music curricula and to develop the creative skills and competencies needed to strengthen the links between music-making and its education. In addition, Nefes is constantly working on presenting and programming workshops between experts, the organisation’s cadres, and beneficiaries, with the aim of networking, raising the level of technical skills and enhancing them.

Project activities:

  • Carrying out technical workshops with experts and musicians from Syria, Turkey and around the world
  • Providing specialised sessions to raise the professional capabilities of the teachers of Nefes School of Arts & Music
  • Providing specialised workshops for school students

Project date: 2020 – Project duration: 3 months

Number of beneficiaries: 60 male and female students and 6 teachers